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Bruker AXS

The Bruker N8 HORIZON is a unique, vertical SAXS for advanced research labs and multi-user facilities. Study a range of nanomaterials including solid bulks, fibres, surfaces and biological samples using SAXS, WAXS and GISAXS.


High quality data

Micro-focus X-ray source boosts X-ray intensity at the sample.

Easy to use

Fast learning curve for new users.

Small footprint

Vertical design saves space in the lab.

Low running costs

Low power consumption, no water cooling or infrastructure requirements.


High Quality Data in the Shortest Time

  • IµSTM micro-focus X-ray source boosts X-ray intensity at the sample
  • Detect even the weakest SAXS signals with a 2-dimensional VÅNTEC-500TM detector
  • Excellent X-ray beam quality with SCATEXTM scatter-free pinholes

Ideal for Multi-User Facilities

  • Intuitive, easy-to-use touchscreen
  • Easy sample loading
  • Integrated camera for quick and easy sample positioning
  • Convenient, vertical design for the smallest footprint to fit in your lab

Low Running Costs

  • Low power consumption
  • No water cooling
  • No external infrastructure requirements
  • Smaller carbon footprint

“The N8 HORIZON follows the Bruker philosophy of combining high technical sophistication with ease-of-use, and brings SAXS beyond the expert level into the standard laboratory. SAXS is a key method for characterising nano-materials in their native environment, or under non-ambient conditions. It provides global, statistically relevant insights into the 3-dimensional nano-structural properties of new materials like catalysts, liquid crystals, etc. Moreover, SAXS is non-destructive and requires virtually no sample preparation that could influence the sample properties.”
Dr. Geert Vanhoyland, SAXS Product Manager, Bruker

Benefits of SAXS

Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) is a truly non-destructive method for characterising nanostructures. It is complementary to other techniques, such as electron microscopy and AFM.

SAXS provides global, statistically relevant insights into the 3D3-dimensional nanostructural properties of the whole structure in its native environment. The sample is placed in the X-ray beam as is – there’s no need for any laborious sample preparation that may alter its structure or properties.


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