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Posts Tagged ‘friction’

Bruker High Frequency Reciprocating Rig

High-Frequency Reciprocating Rig Module (HFRR) for the Bruker UMT TriboLab

Benchtop lubricant screening and materials qualification with a new HFRR module for Bruker’s tribometer.



Visit us at NORDTRIB 2018, a Nordic conference about tribology on 18-21 June 2018 at Uppsala University in Sweden.

Brake Pad Characterisation System

Benchtop Brake Material Screening System

New module for testing brake pad materials in the automotive industry. Save time and money by testing smaller samples on a benchtop system, with the Bruker UMT Tribolab tribometer.

Measuring surface friction

How is Sliding Friction affected by Surface Texture?

The amount of sliding friction between two surfaces is affected by a number of factors, one of the most obvious being surface texture. But how exactly does the roughness or smoothness of a surface affect its sliding friction? And what about different situations, such as elastic deformation? Donald K. Cohen PhD has published an interesting article […]