AFM-nDMA is a new AFM mode for viscoelastic measurements tied directly to bulk DMA (Dynamic Mechanical Analysis) – for the first time!
Blue Scientific is the official distributor for Bruker Nano Surface Analysis in the Nordic region (Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland). If you have any questions, please get in touch.
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Viscoelastic AFM Measurements Matching Bulk DMA
A World First
AFM-nDMA is a new AFM mode for Bruker Dimension atomic force microscopes.
For the first time, you can now perform nanoscale viscoelastic measurements that match bulk dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). This works over the entire frequency range that’s typical in bulk rheological measurements.

What Can You Study?
You can now find the answers to questions like:
- How do nanoscale phases differ from bulk?
- What are viscoelastic properties near the interface or in an interphase?
- How does this affect load transfer, as a function of temperature?
Previously these areas have been difficult to research, because of the challenges in making nanoscale viscoelastic measurements. AFM has traditionally been disadvantaged by non-linearities, irrelevant frequencies, unaccounted effects of adhesion and the need to recalibrate results. Now, AFM-nDMA overcomes these problems, with data that directly matches results from bulk DMA and indenter-based nano-DMA.
[testimonial author=”Greg Meyers, PhD, Dow Chemical Core R&D Fellow”]We can now quantify local viscoelasticity at relevant frequencies and length scales that relate nanoscale properties to bulk performance. This addresses a significant unmet need for industrial polymer characterisation.[/testimonial]

Quantitative Nanoscale Measurements
The new mode uses unique algorithms developed at Bruker:
- Works directly at rheological frequencies
- Preload and adhesion are quantified
- Comes with absolute calibration
This generates complete master curves of:
- Storage modulus
- Loss modulus
- Loss tangent
- Activation energy analysis
Nanoscale Polymer Rheology
This gives you the ability to study polymer rheology at the nanoscale – which expands the applications of AFM into new areas.
- Frequencies from 0.1 Hz to 20 kHz
- Temperatures up to 250°C
- Sample moduli in the sub-MPa to GPa range
[testimonial author=”Dr. Ken Nakajima, Professor of Polymer Physics at Tokyo Institute of Technology”]Bruker’s AFM-nDMA is the first commercial solution for quantifying viscoelasticity at the spatial scales of AFM. Having pioneered nanoscale rheological measurements, I am very excited to see this important capability become widely available.[/testimonial]
The new mode uses proprietary algorithms, modular hardware and pre-calibrated probes. It works with Bruker Dimension AFMs:
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[testimonial author=”David V. Rossi, Executive Vice President & General Manager of Bruker AFM”]AFM-nDMA reflects our long-standing commitment to provide quantitative and easy-to-use nanomechanical characterisation. From the invention of TappingMode to PeakForce Tapping and now AFM-nDMA, we have consistently led this charge, and we are very eager to see the use of atomic force microscopy growing with quantitative viscoelastic characterisation.[/testimonial]
Further Information
If you’d like to know more about the new mode and what it can do, please get in touch. Blue Scientific is the official Nordic distributor for Bruker AFM in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland, and we’re available to help with all your questions:
[icon icon=”next”] Contact us on +44 (0)1223 422 269 or
[icon icon=”info”] Bruker Nano Surface Analysis