Bruker Dimension FastScan
Nano Surfaces
The world’s fastest AFM.
The Bruker Dimension FastScan delivers extremely fast imaging without loss of resolution, loss of force control, added complexity or additional operating costs.

Ultimate performance
On any AFM sample
PeakForce Tapping
Highest resolution AFM imaging for specimens from soft biological samples to very hard materials
High throughput
Fast scanning rates up to frames per second
High resolution
With sub-nanometre noise levels
The Dimension FastScan® atomic force microscope (AFM) system is specifically designed to scan fast without loss of resolution, loss of force control, added complexity, or additional operating costs. With FastScan you achieve immediate AFM images with the expected high resolution of a high-performance AFM.
Whether you scan at >125Hz when surveying a sample to find the region of interest, or at time rates of 1-second per image frame in air or fluid, FastScan redefines the AFM experience.
Dimension FastScan is the first-and-only high-speed tip-scanning system that achieves frames per second scan rates without compromising resolution or system performance – independent of sample size. No other high-speed AFM has the large sample access of the FastScan. Coupled with PeakForce Tapping®, the system achieves instantaneous force measurement with a linear control loop, allowing point defect dimensional and mechanical resolution, and not just on hard, flat crystals.
Every facet of the Dimension FastScan — from wide-open tip and sample access to preconfigured software settings — has been specifically engineered for trouble-free, surprisingly simple operation. Fast sample navigation, fast engaging, fast scanning, low-noise, less than 200 pm per minute of drift rate over hours, an expanded intuitive user interface, and the world-renowned Dimension platform combine to deliver an entirely new experience in AFM, while ensuring high-quality data with faster time to results and publication. FastScan users can achieve immediate high-quality results without the usual hours of expert tweaking.
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Bruker Dimension FastScan: Exceptional Productivity
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