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Posts Tagged ‘carbon nanotubes’

Observing dynamic processes with in-situ TEM

Observe Dynamic Processes with In-Situ TEM: Atomic-Scale Crystal Nucleation and Growth Dynamics

Capture dynamic processes during in-situ TEM experiments with the Gatan OneView IS camera, at up to 25 fps with 16 MP images. In this example, researchers at the University of Tokyo observed crystal nucleation and growth at atomic scale.

Bruker PeakForce TUNA AFM

Nanoscale Electrical and Mechanical Property Mapping with AFM

How to map current and conductivity at the nanoscale on fragile samples with AFM, without damaging them or contaminating the probe tip. Useful for lithium battery research, organic photovoltaics and carbon nanotubes.

Measure 2D materials with Raman microscopy

Analysing Carbon and 2D Materials with Raman Spectroscopy

Using Raman spectroscopy to study structures produced from carbon and different types of 2D materials, including graphene.